Armin Shafiee

B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering
Sharif University of Technology
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My name is Armin Shafiee Sarvestani, and I hold a B.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology. I'm interested in Deep/Machine Learning and their applications in Video/Image Processing. I enjoy working with videos and images as well as designing and implementing different Machine Learning and Video/Image Processing algorithms. I also love entering new fields of AI and Computer Vision, as I see their unlimited and fascinating applications in our modern world.

I have worked with different programming languages and frameworks, and I find myself a fast learner who easily learns whatever he is eager to. I have valuable experiences in the fields of Video/Image Processing, and I have gained various skills along this way. you can see a complete record of my skills and works in my CV.


Armin Shafiee - Last Updated: 20-June-2021